Friday, 13 December 2019


November 30, at 3: Hi I am really struggling to unlock and jailbreak my iphone 3g, which is on 4. Well i had the same proble…. I want to use the phone with 7-Eleven Speakout. June 20, at 1: January 24, at redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 4

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November 29, at 4: How to unlock iOS 4.

Redsn0w downloads - how

June 21, at 8: December 17, at 9: I have downloaded, redsn0w 0. Manish Patel in iPhone.

redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 4

Can i download it for the windows. December 14, at 7: Redsn0w might also be considered easier to use since the application will automatically download the iPad IPSW 3.

So i am trying to jailbreak it again and everytime i am stuck on the waiting for reboot everything else runs smoothly, bets set the affiniti to cpu1 only, run as admin, priority high, compatability mode to win xp im using win 7 and tried to do it with upgrading to ipad baseband…. Hi I am really struggling to unlock and jailbreak my iphone 3g, which is on 4.

August 9, at 5: January 12, at 2: Hey the way geta got it to work for me was to start up redsn0w then go to task manager and processors, then right click Redsn0w and click change affinity or somthing then have CPU 1 checked only.

August 15, at 7: Also realized that this program is not designed for multithreading, if you have a multi-core processor deactivate every affinity except for cpu 1 and set priority to high. Mac - MacOS Mojave This is the first betw I have jailbroken a phone, so I am a bit of a nub.

Download Redsn0w b1 for Windows/Mac to Jailbreak iOS (Tethered)

My Iphone 3G 4. November 30, at December 3, at 6: December 6, at 3: December 4, at 8: Hello saleem we have the same problem any issues to solve this???

April 26, at 4: August 26, at 1: February 5, at 2: Thank you very much for your help. Do you have to be on the 0.15 itunes?

redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 4

This was after 2 failed attempts with the older versions. January 31, at 6: May 30, at 4: August 4, at News - iOS Tedsn0w 11, at 7:

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